4 Common Misconceptions About Keto Diet and Weight Loss

keto diet

4 Common Misconceptions about Weight Loss and the Keto Diet


The weight loss industry is filled with misconceptions, conflicting information and ‘broscience’ (opinions passed off as facts). It’s no wonder so many people are confused and spinning their wheels not knowing what to do when trying to lose weight.

Thehttp://www.divinitymagazine.com/whatistheketogenicdiet/“> ketogenic diet has seen its popularity increase by leaps and bounds over the past few years as more and more people realize just how effective it is. Just like any other diet, it has its pros and cons… and no diet is perfect for everybody.

In this article, we’ll look at the common misconceptions about using the ketogenic diet as a tool to shed excess fat and look good.


  1. It’s easy

Not really. The term ‘easy’ is subjective and it all depends on the individual. If you compared the keto diet to the paleo diet, then you might consider it a lot easier to adhere to, since the paleo diet is extremely stringent.

However, even with the keto diet, there is a period where you’ll need to adapt. Most people are addicted to sugar and carbs. Switching to a diet that gets 80 to 90 percent of its calories from fat can be challenging.


  1. You’ll DEFINITELY get faster results with it

All diets will yield results if followed correctly. Speed of weight loss will vary from individual to individual. Will you lose more fat with the ketogenic diet? You might, if you follow the diet with a high level of compliance.

However, even then, it will take time to shed the fat. Weight loss is a slow process and you’re not going to lose 15 pounds in a week. Even if you manage 10 pounds, a lot of it will be water weight.

Most people have an institutionalized sense of impatience. They want results fast and they want it NOW! The keto diet will get you faster results than many other diets, but within a reasonable time.

You’ll not go from overweight to ripped in two weeks. Give yourself at least 2 months to see visible results. You might as well stay the course. The time is going to pass anyway.


  1. The keto diet is dangerous

If followed correctly, the keto diet is not a dangerous fad. In fact, it’s extremely healthy. You will lose weight much more effectively, your blood sugar levels will stabilize, your bad cholesterol levels will decrease, your heart health will improve while your risk of cancer decreases and so much more.

It’s important to know the difference between the http://www.divinitymagazine.com/thetruthaboutfatinfoods/“>good fats and bad fats. Cold-pressed coconut oil is a good fat. Hydrogenated canola oil is a bad fat that’s high in monounsaturated fat, causes inflammation and accelerates the aging process.

When you’re on a keto diet, you MUST educate yourself well on what the good fats are. Then you’ll be able to consume the omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs and avoid the omega-6 fatty acids that are inflammatory.


  1. Will I get ketoacidosis?

This issue is probably the biggest worry that people on the keto diet have. When the ketones in your body are too high, ketoacidosis can occur. However, this is quite rare and tends to affect only those with type one diabetes. This is pathological ketoacidosis and not a nutritional one.

If you wish to err on the side of caution, you can purchase a set of urine strips from the chemist and monitor your ketosis. If your ketones are too high, you can consume some complex carbohydrates and that should reset things to normal. There’s no cause for panic.

These are 4 of the most common misconceptions surrounding the ketogenic diet. In another article, we’ll examine another HUGE misconception about whether the ketogenic diet raises your cholesterol level.

For now, just know that this is a safe and highly effective diet with many health benefits than can be accrued if you adopt it. Do give it a go and watch your waist size shrink and your fat disappear (with time).

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Warning: Only Read This If You Want To Stop STRUGGLING & Feeling Frustrated With NOT Losing Weight....

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